The Ruso Brothers join PROPAIN Bikes

Welcome to the team!

We are very pleased that the Ruso Brothers will represent PROPAIN Bicycles from now on.

Some of you may already know the Ruso Brothers from the last video Selfmade 2.0 with our athlete Clemens Kaudela. In this edit you will see immediately what the two brothers are capable of. Daniel and Elias Ruso are a brother duo, which has never been seen before in the freeride mountain bike scene. Big jumps and even bigger tricks are their metier. The Ruso Bros can usually be seen on the dirt jump or on the freeride bike. With their incredible creativity and a pinch of crazyness, they are the perfect addition to PROPAIN. We very much look forward to working with the guys in the future and say:

Welcome to the Team, Daniel and Elias!

Daniel Ruso

Katzelsdorf, lower Austria

Vienna, Austria


Freeride/Dirt Jump

Favorite trick

Other hobbys
Working out, travelling

Favorite place to ride

2022 resolutions:
Having fun while pushing the freeride game!

Elias Ruso

Katzelsdorf, lower Austria

Vienna, Austria


Freeride/Dirt Jump

Favorite trick

Other hobbys
Drumming, Moto and weird haircuts

Favorite place to ride
Masters of Dirt Backyard, South of France

2022 resolutions:
Pushing my own limits to the max, while staying healthy and having as much fun on the bike as possible

It all started with dirt jumping for the Ruso brothers at the age of 14. They quickly developed an incredible passion for mountain biking and always dreamed of being professional athletes and traveling the world.

The Ruso brothers say they want to push the freeride sport in new directions: no rules, no race times, just pure mountain biking. So they always want to create new features, show more airtime and tricks never seen before. We’re incredibly excited about what’s to come and can’t wait to see what crazy projects the Rusos will come up with!

The Ruso Brothers about the upcoming time with PROPAIN:

„Holy moly, we could not be any happier and stoked to ride for PROPAIN Bicycles from now on. With our good friend and mentor, Clemens Kaudela, being a teamrider for many years already, we are absolutely blown away to have the opportunity to ride for such an amazing brand. The whole team of PROPAIN basically shares the same values and visions as we do. Therefore we are 100% sure, that with joint forces, we can push the boundaries of the sport into new directions."

The Ruso Brothers about theier new PROPAIN Bikes:

"With our big passion lying in the Freeride sector of MTB the Propain Spindrift is our weapon of choice, when it comes to the really gnarly hits. That being said we are absolutely hyped to represent this great company for the next years and already have some exciting plans that we want ro realize together. Cheers!“

We are looking forward to the coming time with Daniel and Elias Ruso.

Let’s get it on!

Be sure to check out the Ruso Brothers on social media:


Daniel Ruso

Elias Ruso

Ruso Bros

Photos by:
Lorenz Globits